Skate Park Advocacy

In the past, play spaces in Canberra suburbs often included small incidental skate park elements perfect for localised needs. Think the old Miniramps, Fadden Pines, Richardson Bowl, Charnwood, Kambah U-Pipe to name a few. Despite their popularity and robustness, there has been a complete omission of skate park obstacles in new play spaces for many years. Let ACT Government know you want new neighbourhood skate facilities by filling in their survey! They’re listening so let’s make some noise! 📢🛹📢🛹📢🛹

Tuggeranong Skatepark needs your voice! Go to the ACT Gov YourSay Conversations website and select “Improvements to the skate park” on the survey. Drop a pin on the map and tell them what you’d like to see!